Our Services

For professional and comprehensive planning applications advice, look no further than AM Planning Consultants Limited. Based in Stapenhill, Burton-upon-Trent, our expert is on hand to help you through the planning process.

Let’s Get Started

There are many hurdles and pitfalls for those seeking planning permission. Friendly and professional, we are equipped to help you overcome them. Whether you’re a private individual or a business, we’ll work tirelessly to help you obtain the permissions you require.

What We Offer

We’re skilled in the provision of the following advisory and consultation services:

• Pre-application Advice

• Planning Applicationsv • Discharge of Conditions

• Appeals and Public Inquiries

• Enforcement

• Consultation Negotiations

• Negotiations and Amendments to Section 106 Agreements

• Dispute Resolution

• Affordable Housing and Starter Homes

• Residential Development • Agricultural

• Barn Conversions

• Certificate of Lawfulness

• Conservation and Listed Buildings

• Industrial and Commercial

• Gypsy and Travellers

• Leisure and Tourism

• Master Planning

• Mineral and Waste

• Retail

Who We Represent

At AM Planning Consultants Limited, we represent individuals and commercial clients from pre-application advice through to the submission of planning applications and the discharge of planning conditions. We do this while dealing with a wide range of applications, from domestic extensions to new dwellings, large-scale commercial developments, and residential developments. We also provide advice regarding planning enforcement issues and planning appeals. Our advice covers everything from the preparation of appeal submissions to attendance at hearings and public inquiries.


Planning Enforcement

We have a comprehensive background in planning enforcement, whether you have received an initial letter from the Local Planning Authority or have already been served with an Enforcement Notices we aim to assist you to resolve the situation. Representing clients to resolve enforcement issues, breach of conditions, Certificates of Lawful Development, applications to regularise unauthorised development and the submission of appeals against enforcement notices.

Planning Enforcement Notices or Breach of Condition Notices are served when development is carried out without planning permission or is not in accordance with the approved planning permission. Such notices seek to stop work or try to have the terms of the planning permission complied with. Failure to comply with an enforcement notice or breach of condition notices is an office and may be subject to prosecution.

It is important to note that you only have one month to appeal a Planning Enforcement Notice. Failing to appeal will result in you having to Carry out the remedial work statement in the notice. If the notice is not complied with you are at risk of further legal action.

A well considered appeal statement will improve the likelihood of having the Planning Enforcement Notice dismissed and the development or works staying in place rather than being removed or the use ceased.

We will work on these projects on short notice in order to submit an effective appeal statement on your behalf.

Contact our team today, in Stapenhill, Burton-upon-Trent, to take advantage of our expert planning service.